Housality Home Evaluation
digitizes your home for effortless
repairs, renovations and remodels
We analyze every aspect of your home - all the rooms, inside the walls, inside the chimney, in the attic, in the crawl space, in the garage, on the roof, outside the home, front yard and back yard giving you a complete view of the state of your home. Think of it as an annual check-up for your home
What We Offer
Get a 3D model of your home
See every room, interior and exterior, water pipes, electrical lines of your home visually
Get the full layout of your home
Get an accurate floor plan for future remodels and renovations
Get a full energy scan of your home
See where energy is leaking from the home and SAVE money on utility bills by fixing the leaks
Crawl Space?
Attic? All of it
We offer more optional services like water testing, roof evaluation, chimney evaluations, air quality testing and others
Why get a Housality Home Evaluation?
Know the state of each aspect of your home to fix any immediate issues and find cost effective solutions
Share segments of your home with Home Professionals to quickly solicit remodeling bids
Find the possibilities of your home by visualizing extra rooms, bedrooms or bathrooms
How it works?
Make a reservation for a Whole Home Evaluation
Our team will schedule a time to come to your home
Our team will scan your entire home
Sit back and enjoy your coffee
View the results
Stay in Touch
Interested in our services. Send us a message and we'll invite you as soon as we begin serving your area.
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